More and more alternative cigarettes are popular and wildly used, vaping can be seen anywhere, block and street, home and house, even in school. According to the FDA, vape use increased from 1.5 to 11.7 percent among high school students from 2011 to 2017. As the result, In September, the FDA banned e-cigarette companies provide children to use their products in 2 month.
However, vaping for adults can be a good way to quit smoking. Though children vaping by using vaping devices is leading to a bad study environment in school. A recent ASU graduate named Keith Wisniewski, manages the vape shop Butt Out Mill with the hopes of helping people quit smoking through vaping.
“The best feeling in the world is seeing the people who have been smoking for like 50 years stop coming in because they don’t need the vapes to get off of it anymore,” Wisniewski said.
By vaping e-cigarette with ejuice, smooth air and much steam, a ease atmosphere can help him to quit smoking by transitioning to vaping.
Many people all know that most smoking people die of lung cancer or other smoking related diseases, all due to tobacco. A bad thing that cause to preventable death, each year, there are many Americans die for smoking or breath the secondhand smoke and get sick.
According to Richard Carmona, the 17th Surgeon General of the United States and a distinguished professor of public health, said that vaping is best used to reduce the harm of tobacco, but that further studies should be conducted.
“The most important reason we look for alternatives is that the tobacco industry has prevailed. If a plane kept crashing and killing people, it would be taken off the market. It isn’t the same with tobacco,” Carmona said.
But the true is Vaping is an important way to alternate tobacco and help to quit smoking. It’s good reputation that safer than smoking is driving e-cigarette become more popular.