With a surge in people wanting to quit smoking, the vaping business is booming in New Zealand.
Advocates say it’s a healthier and cheaper option for those wanting to stub out the smokes.
For Josh McNally, the fog has finally cleared. Having given up his 15-year smoking habit, he’s switched to vaping.
There’s been a 30 percent increase in people contacting Quitline this year, and 10 percent of them are using vaping as a tool to give up.
QJ Satchell was so convinced he started a business manufacturing it. He founded NZVAPOR which sells e-cigarettes, nicotine and nicotine-free e-juice.
And with 200,000 vapers now in New Zealand he says business is booming.
He’s in the process of moving to a bigger factory to accommodate his growing business.
Overall, smoking rates have fallen in recent years, now to below 14 percent, but they remain high for Māori – and there are still 5000 smoking related-deaths every year.
But vaping is not entirely without risk.
QJ Satchell says people should make sure they’re picking the right products and safest options.
“There are only four products in a decent e-liquid: propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and flavouring and, if chosen, nicotine. It doesn’t need anything else, that’s it.”
The Government is planning to regulate vaping products later this year, and say it’s another step towards becoming a smoke free country.