Vapefly Kriemhild II Review by Aly

Vapefly Kriemhild II Review by Aly-Cover

How we all doing this lovely Friday. It’s terribly overcast here, but after the warmth from over the last few days I can’t say I’m hating it. We have the Kriemhild II by Vapefly to take a closer look at. Let’s get straight into Vapefly Kriemhild II Review.

  • 2 coils
  • Sub ohm
  • 2 drip tips
  • 5 colours
Vapefly Kriemhild II Review by Aly


The tank itself is pretty standard, the top cap unscrews to allow for filling. There are two large filling holes, both of which are covered by silicone. I know other companies (looking at you, Uwell) have done this in the past but Vapefly have done a fantastic job here with it. It’s thick enough that a liquid bottle won’t tear it (unlike others) and when tipped upside down I didn’t get even a drop of liquid out. You do get a spare one though included with the O-Rings, another great job here. At the top is a tapered drip tip already installed, although you can swap this out for another colourful resin drip tip which is also included, along with an adaptor. The tank is available in black, silver, gunmetal, gold and blue, so a few options there. The inner chimney is detachable for cleaning, and fits nicely with the aesthetics of the tank. At the bottom, unscrew the base to replace the coils. A little tough to do the first time, but loosened a little after that and has stayed the same since. It’s quite a long tank, standing at just over 50mm and the base is 25mm.

Vapefly Kriemhild II Review by Aly


On to the coils now. There are currently only 2 versions available and one of each is included in the kit, both being for sub ohm use:

  • K1 Duplex Mesh Coil 0.2ohm – Rated for use between 45 and 60w. I found 55w was best for me, with the airflow fully open. Closing it a little gave a little more warmth to the vape and a more wet feeling, but for me this wasn’t necessary so I left it open.
  • K2 Mesh Coil 0.3ohm – Rated for between 40 and 55w. I found this coil really needs the extra wattage and worked best at 55w, at low end I wasn’t getting any flavour at all. This worked a little better with airflow closed off a tad, giving slight warmth to the flavour and meaning a more restricted hit.
  • I preferred the K1 coils, although I do feel as though the coils need a little more oomph really. They are both rated for medium sub levels and the ramp up time was instant, but it felt as though they wanted more power. I tried this with a desert flavour and fruit flavour liquids, both worked fine but again it was more of a subtle flavour profile. I did try going a little over the recommended wattage, but don’t. The wicking, while perfect in the given parameters, did not keep up going over. If Vapefly do release any further coils for this tank, I hope they work on getting a little more punch.
Vapefly Kriemhild II Review by Aly

It’s pretty clear to see that I love this tank. The flavour could be a little more powerful, but it’s designed to be ‘soft and delicate’ according to the features listed on the back. All of the included accessories, along with the smaller features of the tank really make for a great set up. I’ve been using this a lot over the last couple of weeks and I can say, without doubt, it’s certainly one of my favourites and potentially the best tank I’ve tried in a while. There is also supposed to be an RBA arriving soon, hopefully inline with the Optima which makes coil replacement a lot cheaper and accessible to everyone of any skill level. They obviously may not choose to go down this route, but I personally hope they do. The only downside I have is that the coils are only available in packs of 3, I wish they came in 4 or 5, but this isn’t a big deal at all. A really great tank that I would recommend to everyone really.

Vapefly Kriemhild II Review by Aly


First off, I have to mention the packaging. I really like the design of the box itself, I know it’s such a small thing but the old weathered style is quite eye catching. There are actually two versions of this tank, one is war and the other is peace. They do look slightly different, with the War version being a little more similar to the original Kriemhild and the Peace looking more like a standard tank. I received the Peace version, but looking at photo’s and things the only difference I can see is that the War has a sort of metal sleeve that comes down into the glass and covers about half of the glass. I did find it strange that Vapefly chose not to put a contents list on the packaging of either versions, but have instead put emphasis on the features of the tank.

Thank you to Health Cabin for sending this to me in the interest of this review. All opinions provided are mine and mine alone, not swayed in any way.

Vapefly Kriemhild II Review by Aly

This review was written by Aly from Reddit, click to view original review.


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