Snowwolf Mfeng Kit Review

The Snowwolf Mfeng Kit Review

Good evening fellow Vapers,

Tonight I am taking a look at the latest Snowwolf from Sigelei, the MFeng kit.
I would like to thank the good folks at Healthcabin for supplying the sample for this review.

By first appearances, I thought that this was going to be just another device slapped together with glue and made out of cheap materials.
Well, I was pleasantly surprised. But lets get into the specifications for the Snowwolf Tank first.

Snowwolf Sub-Ohm Tank Product Feature:
28mm Diameter
Sliding Top Fill System
6ml Bubble Glass Maximum Capacity
WF Coil Family
WF Coil Head 0.2 ohm(60-150w) preinstalled
WF-H Coil 0.16 ohm(100-230w)
Dual Adjustable Bottom Airflow
Fully Closeable
8mm Wide Bore Delrin 810 Drip Tip
510 Drip Tip Adapter
Measurements 48.5mm x 28mm
In the box I received were a spare 6ml glass, bottom oring, spare Top gasket, QC Card, Snowwolf tank manual, braided USB cord, MFeng user manual, and Warranty card.
Now, with the sample that I received, there is a topful gasket that is re-sealing like the gasket found on the Eleaf Ello Duro tank. Even after filing the tank I was able to turn the tank upside down without any liquid coming out which is nice for that “just in case it opens in my bag” moment. But, I was able to see the same Snowwolf tank at a local shop and noticed that it didn’t come with this gasket/seal. I am not sure if it is included with the final product which is available currently. Plus the tank I received did not have the current sliding topfil which is available now.

The coils, the first coil I used was the WF 0.20 ohm which the manufacture has rated between 60-150 watts. I ran this coil starting at 45 watts and all the way up to 175 watts. It does produce a vapor and flavor but not what one would expect with a coil rated up to 150 watts. There was vapor production and a little bit of flavor, just nothing really surprising, actually kind of bland.
The WF-H 0.16 ohm coil, which the manufacture has rated at 100-230 watts, I believe produced the same amount of vapor and flavor as the WF coil. I ran this coil up to 230 watts using a DNA 250 and it just seemed to be overated, hot vapor with a minute amount pf flavor.
The longevity on both coils were approximately 5.5 days and that was really pushing the cotton using liquids in 80/20 fruit or dessert/coffee flavors. I really believe a better set of coils would have worked since this tank does have 3 bottom airflow slots.
The Snowwolf tank itself I believe is very well made, the metal and color. Now, with the tank I received, it was not a sliding topfil, it has a topfil cap that screws down. the topfil on the tank I received has a hard plastic topcap that screws down onto the stainless steel threads shown above, the topcap however has its own threading which I can see failing after so many times of having to unscrew/screw. The topcap would have worked better with a stainless steel threaded insert.

Let’s talk about colors. You have a pluthera of choices!
2018-08-15 (1).png
Silver and Black
Full Gold
Rainbow and Black(which I received)
Full SS
Gold and Black
Pearl White and Gold
Pink and Gold
Red and Gold
Gold, CF, and Red
Gold, CF, and Gray
Gold, CF, and Black
Gold, CF, White
Full Rainbow
Full Gunmetal
Full Black
I think they have covered nearly any color one would want.

The MFeng:
The Specifications:
SnowWolf Chip Set
10 to 200W
6.4 to 8.4V
0.05 to 3.0 ohm Atomizer Resistance Range
Temperature Control
Ni200 Nickel Support
Titanium Support
Stainless Steel Support(304, 316, and 317
TCR Functionality
200 to 570 Degrees Fahrenheit
Three Button Control Face
Oversized Firing Button Adjustment Buttons
1.30 Inch LCD Colored Display
Switch Between Various Display Arrangements
Output Wattage
Output Temperature
Battery Life Indicator
Atomizer Resistance
Colored Background
Micro USB Charge and Update Port
Magnetic Battery Access Door
Accepts Two High Amperage 18650 Batteries(sold seperately)
Zinc Alloy Construction
22mm Stainless Steel 510
Spring Loaded Gold Plated 510 Connection
Reverse Polarity/Short/Low Resistance/Low Battery/Overheat Protection
The Measurements: 91mm x 49mm x 30mm
This is what really surprised me, the detail to the raised Swowwolf, not a sticker, but an actual zinc alloy badge. Now, one may think that this is going to get in the way of holding the device but actually makes the feel better than if it weren’t there. The paint on the device seems to be a matte, in the black and rainbow version, but doesn’t seem like it wants to chip or be worn off. The sides, top/bottom of the device look to be metal but I believe they are of PC/ABS material. And before you ask, yes, it does show fingerprints, on the black finish and rainbow prism.
The User interface is very simple, nothing confusing. You have Mode(Power, TC, TCR)Screen(GUI and Brightness, SET(Preheat(soft, Norm, Hard, User) and Power Saving), and EXIT. The Fire Bar is long and allows the user to either fire the device from the top or bottom of the bar, but not in the middle.

The back door containing the dual 18650’s is held on by 3 nice size magnets, 2 at the top and 1 on the bottom right side. there is a little bit of movement but nothing to really be concerned about, after a few weeks I never had the battery accidentally open.
The battery sled. I was surprised to see it in orange that really shows off the battery orientation. I still think companies, as many others before me have pointed out, that the Positive markings should be marked in Red. The device does have protections in case the batteries are installed wrong, but, electronics are prone to fail at some point.
Taking out the 4 screws that hold in the battery tray and guess what you’ll find, to me, the best part of the MFeng, Sigelei spent the extra money and made sure that the 510 plate is bolted down! Unlike other big manufactures, This is where I see so many problems, having the 510 bolted down to the device is what really counts. Taking the 18650’s batteries out shouldn’t be a problem since the ribbon is 117mm long.

Now in the dimensions it does say its 30mm, but when measured in between the twin shoulders it came to 30.36 and from side to side 27.55. So, you could put a 30mm atty on this but you will see a bit of overhang on the front/ back parts. One thing I did notice was the device isn’t flat on the bottom, it has to “legs” that match the top of the device, which sorta of makes it want to tip over easier.

How does it perform? Well, I don’t carry any Nickel or Titanium wire but I have plenty of Kanthal and SS316L wire.
I use the Loop RDA with dual clapton coils ohmed out 0.42. For testing out the TCR. First I started out with it set at 0.00093 and worked down to 0.00086, where it seemed to work the best, a bit on the hot side but manageable. From there I switched into SS mode. When using it in SS I set the Preheat to 35w for 0.05 seconds at 450f. I didn’t feel much going on, so up the Preheat to 60w for 0.5 seconds at 450 where it was much more responsive. It does have the option to Lock in and read the Resistance which is done by pressing the +/- buttons simultaneously. In Power mode it seemed to off by a few watts. When running the dual claptons at 36 watts it seemed under-powered but up at around 52 watts it was just fine.
The overall work that Sigelei put into this device seems great, the body construction, matterials, and GUI even though the wattage seemed off. I was surprised to see this since the other Snowwolf devices just seemed to be lacking, but not so with the MFeng.

If you are looking for a solid device with good paint, body, looks, colors, and pretty good over all performance, then you might want to take a look at the MFeng.
If you are looking for a tank with coils that really stand out, a device that doesn’t show fingerprints, and can fall over easier than normal, has the “standard” in TC/TCR, if that really matters to you, then I would suggest looking into further options.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to sit down and read my review and hope that it has cleared up any questions to the potential buyer.

As Always, Vape Safe before you Vape Happy,


  1. I just purchased a snowolf mfeng a week ago. And so far I am more satisfied with it then my Aegis from geek vale. I am going to try a zeus tank on it just to see how it performance. But it is an excellent vape in my opinion


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