Kumiho Thoth S Review By Francisco

Kumiho Thoth S Review By Francisco-Cover

Today i will be reviewing a pod device from Kumiko the Thoth S that was sent to me by my friends over at Healthcabin for the purposes of this review.

Let’s get the party started with some visual aids,these will just wet your whistle and make you want to read my full review… perhaps hehe.

Unboxing and first impressions

Pretty good packaging,small cut out in the shape of the pod device on the front so you can actually see the color of the pod,i like small things like this.
Besides the box with a pod itself a got another small box with all the refillable pods that this device can run,that is pretty cool so us testers can try different ohms.

Sad to say thou there is only the one pre-installed cartridge inside the box with the pod kit,I mean come on guys 2 coils or cartridges should be the industry standard.

Device itself is really cool looking,very nice aesthetics and wow it sure has some weight to it,made with Zinc Alloy and some PC this thing is like a rock.

A bit smaller in size compared to the previous version i reviewed (Thoth T),apart from the screen you also get some buttons changed around and unfortunately a smaller battery.
Earlier version had a 1300 mAh battery but this one only has a 1000 mAh battery,weird i mean this one has a screen so they could have used the same battery,i don’t know its just a bit weird.

Vaping time

I got 5 different cartridges to choose from so i went from the lowest to the highest,just the 0.4 and 1.2,both soaked up and ready to be used.

Starting with the 1.2,well MTL isn’t my cup of tea like all you know but i gotta say i kinda liked this one,full MTL experience with just some airflow adjustment.

Decent hit,awesome flavor and enough cloud production to satisfy all your MTL needs,i used this one not much since i was really eager to give the 0.4 ohm cartridge a try.

Ok so 0.4 ohm cartridge ready and filled up with my Shiva e-liquid from A&L,puffing time and while i sit in my car i can’t take the smile off my face.
These coils deliver and oh boy do they deliver,full body vape filled with flavor and a really good hit,oh yeah baby now we talking.

I didn’t even bother with the wattage,auto detect feature locked it in at 25 watts and i was ok with that,even after finishing my video review i stayed in my car an extra 15 minutes just enjoying this device while listening to some tunes.


  • Original design
  • Sturdy and hella strong,this thing will take a beating
  • Coil wise you won’t be disappointed,these coils deliver


  • Only 1 cartridge with the kit,come on now 2 coils/cartridges should be the norm
  • Shape of the device,some will prefer a tube or bigger sized pod

Would i recommend this device

Ok time to be honest,these days it all seems to be about pods so when looking at a device there are a couple of things you need to know:

Device itself,does it work?
Coils,how good are they?
Aesthetic wise,do i like it?

The device works and does its job,the coils give phenomenal flavor but aesthetic wise?
Well that is for you to answer,me personally i found it a bit small for my hands,i prefer a bigger pod device or shaped like a tube.

Bu if you like the shape and aesthetics then yeah if you buy the Thoth S you won’t be disappointed in no shape or form.

Well thanks first of all to all my friends over at Healthcabin that sent me this kit so i could review it and thanks to everyone else that took the time to read my review.

This review was written by FranknChill – Francisco from VUG(Vaping Underground), click to view original review.


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