Hellvape Dead Rabbit 3 RTA By Manuel


Hellvape Dead Rabbit 3 2024, received as a gift from HealthCabin: a real lung rocket, as sturdy as the steel it was built with, but at the same time extremely versatile thanks to the numerous customization options. 39 mm tall (excluding pin and drip tip), it weighs 60 grams and offers a double capacity of 5.5 ml and 3.5 ml thanks to the two tanks included in the package. Designed for DTL and dual coil, I found that it also performs very well in single coil, especially with complex or good caliber wires.

Typical Hellvape packaging, plastic sleeve showing the color (mine is Stainless Steel, slightly inappropriately abbreviated by Hellvape) and covering a rigid orange box. Lifting the lid, the contents are as follows:

With the coil trimmer, a 5.5 ml bubble tank as a spare, manual and 810 drip tip. In the first bag we find a screwdriver, steel Allen screws as an alternative to those already mounted. In the second bag, two cotton laces and two 0.37 ohm ni80 clapton coils.

Double 810 drip tip, without o-ring integrated in the drip tip, but with the o-ring installed in the top cap of the Dead Rabbit RTA 2024. The white drip tip is made of resin, while the black one is made of delrin. The connection is completely flat, allowing the installation of 510 adapters without creating unsightly steps. There are also practical notches to facilitate the rotation of the top cap.

Total absence of sheaths, except for the o-ring that guarantees an airtight seal of the Dead Rabbit RTA 3. The slots are wide, ideal for refilling with twisted bottles; if some liquid should leak out, it is better to lubricate the o-ring without damaging it. The flexibility of the design allows for quick refilling.

With the top cap unscrewed, the ring can be removed once aligned to its end of travel. It is equipped with 16 air holes, adjustable at will thanks to the o-ring, with a minimum of 2 open holes. Being a top airflow, it reduces losses thanks to the slot, which is visible in the completely uncovered version. It is not a pure lung atomizer, but the possibility of using it with only 2 holes makes it a hybrid, also suitable for an RDL, with the necessary adjustments, although Hellvape has other atomizers in its catalog.

Engraving on the top with the most iconic rabbit in vaping. The bubble glass, included as a spare, offers a capacity of 5.5 ml (with a final diameter of 30 mm). The straight glass, with rainbow finish, shows better in the photo above the 3.5 ml capacity (diameter 26 mm), with the possibility of a 2 ml tank, which however is not included in the TPD version. The glasses are held in place thanks to the o-ring located at the beginning of the bell, and to remove them you just need to be careful.

It is an atomizer that Hellvape advertises as a dual coil lung atomizer, but I found it quite versatile, with the possibility of configuring it also as a single coil RDL atomizer (obviously using a thick enough gauge wire).
Being a top airflow, just like in atomizers with heads, the two side channels are used to direct the air towards the coil. That rectangular constriction rotates when the deck is inserted, allowing the two components to be screwed together thanks to the well-made threading. The diameter of these channels is 8 mm, which makes it suitable for an RDL experience.
It may seem strange, but it is precisely that constriction of the bell that convinced me to try the Dead Rabbit 3 RTA 2024. Despite the 27 mm base, in terms of dimensions we are close to the RTAs typically used for open MTL, with an internal diameter that measures 18.5 mm, while that “rectangle” measures 18.5 x 13 mm. You don’t need to use thick wires or complicated builds to get great flavor, considering that the bell, already small for a DL tank, manages to concentrate it well. Unfortunately, as in other tanks, Hellvape has saved a bit on the steel of the bell. There could have been a bit more material, but if you don’t overdo it with the wire in dual coil, or use a thicker gauge wire in single, the flavor definition is still excellent. The deck is postless, a configuration often used in flavor and lung tanks to ensure that the coil receives air from multiple directions and cools down effectively once the vape is finished. The supplied grub screws are gold plated, but you can replace them with steel Torx grub screws (same size as the Dvarw).

With any type of thread, the cotton must be inserted into the “trays”, positioning it almost at the same level as the bottom, thus creating a sort of “cotton stopper”. It is important to follow the fundamental rule of not making excessive accumulations of cotton. Personally, especially in dual coils but also in singles, I have found that giving a more rectangular shape to the cotton whisker, especially at the ends that go into the cotton stopper, brings benefits. This can be easily done with scissors.
Being a Flavor-Lung atomizer, the cotton whisker must be abundant enough to cover the entire section of the channels. If you are not careful, even though it is top airflow, there will be no leaks, but it could gurgle.

The first part of the bottom is 25 mm, then goes up to 27 mm, making it slightly large for some mods but even if it protrudes on a box that allows 25 mm it is not that ugly. Well made engravings, gold plated pin that even when unscrewed, does not allow you to extract the insulator or leaves free pieces of deck but that in any case, washing it like this allows access to everything that can be defined as “underdeck”.

Hellvape suggests, with its nice free coil trimmer, to cut legs to 5 mm: no, unless you use two coils with important wire, where you need to space them between them you can safely opt to cut them 4 mm, especially in single: less heat, less risk of hot leg.
For a single coil build the minimum is 26 g, tip 2.5 or even better, 2.75 if you have it. Coils to preference, there is plenty of room. In dual coil I tried a timid 27 g on a 2.5 tip that do their decent job. Obviously you are free to build it in dual and to make it clear that you can customize it by modulating it according to your preferences.

To purchase the Hellvape Dead Rabbit 3 RTA Atomizer 5.5ml (2024 Edition) you can visit HealthCabin or download their app on Google Play for more discounts.

This review was written by Manuel from svapo.it & his own blog on vapinginfinium.forumcommunity, which are written in Italian. He also upload the review on ECF in English, click to view original reviews.


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