Why Vape Advocates Support Eliquid Rebranding

eliquid brands,vape brands

As the vaping flourishing, vape brands become a heating discussion in society. Some may think the logos designed on the eliquid bottles can due to child appealing or cause Intellectual Property Theft. How do you think?

Vape advocates support that the label, packaging and logos resemble something, it’s very easy and induce children, and attribute to child appealing. They think it is very importance that vaping companies can realized that and come to a conclusion, rebulid or remove the designs that could be associated with marketing irresponsibly to those who are under age or those whose brands are being noticeably replicated as some eliquid brands so clearly are doing. The brand is appealing to children, can become a force to destroy the vape industry. No vaper wants this bad thing happen.


While for the brand owners, may keep silence. Those vape advocates are consumers, the vape industry commission is consumer-based solution and consumer demand. They must grow up like adults and solve the problem, to avoid child appealing. People always want to protect their children, and grow in a less cigarette society, safe and healthy.

For many years, no one in the vape industry would prefer working with the anti-vapor establishment as it has become clear they’re only motive and goal is to destroy this harm reduction tool. And they all know vaping can help them quit smoking.


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