Dovpo Blotto Max RTA Review by Owen

Dovpo Blotto Max RTA Review-Cover


New Blotto RTAs are becoming far more frequent, after a year or so gap between the Blotto and the Blotto Mini, we got the Blotto Single, and now we have two Blottos at once, the Blotto 1.5 and the Blotto Max.

The Blotto Single addressed a lot of the things that I disliked with the original Blotto by catering purely for single-coil builds, hopefully the Blotto Max will do the same for dual-coil builds.

Dovpo Blotto Max RTA Review by Owen


The Blotto Max is a 28mm dual-coil RTA with 272 degree airflow and 3.8ml juice capacity, which increases to a 6.2ml with either of the supplied bubble tanks.

  • Blotto Max RTA (fitted with 3.8ml straight glass)
  • 2×6.2ml bubble glass (1 x glass and 1 x PCTG)
  • Coil measuring tool/bottle opener
  • Accessory bag

So, it’s not really a case of what do you get? and more a case of where’s my cotton and coils?

As for the coil measuring tool/bottle opener, it’s kinda cool – but certainly not as effective as a regular coil measuring tool.

However, one positive is the inclusion of two large bubble tanks, made from two different materials.

Dovpo Blotto Max RTA Review by Owen

First Impressions

Sure, it’s just a big Blotto. But, that’s oversimplifying things – while the Blotto Mini had exactly the same deck and chamber as the original Blotto squeezed into a smaller RTA, the Blotto Max (and Blotto Single before it) have their own specific decks.

In my eyes this is by far the best looking Blotto to date, it’s not about styling, it’s about proportions – something about taking it out to 28mm makes the Blotto Max look really good – just make sure your mod is big enough to take 28mm without overhang.

Everything feels solid and well made, the threads on the deck are smooth and the quarter-turn top-cap comes off with ease.

However, I encounter one issue – I can’t remove the straight glass, perhaps with time it will loosen, but so far I haven’t been able to take it off. I guess, I could try to force it – but doing that often comes with consequences…

Dovpo Blotto Max RTA Review by Owen


The deck is quite straightforward, however you will need to pre-cut your coil leads and this might present you with a problem – the posts are quite far apart, so how long you cut the leads will depend on the width of your coils – wire thickness, number of wraps and if you go for spaced or contact coils all need to be taken into consideration. I ended up going for 4mm leads and spaced my coils, 5mm would have been better, as I struggled a little to secure them.

Once they are secured, it’s a very simple process to secure them with a coiling rod – the deck is a great size for this, you can get a pair of 3.0mm coils right in the middle of the airflow with ease.

Wicking on the original Blotto and Blotto Single could be problematic, not enough cotton often resulted in leaks, too much cotton and it just couldn’t provide the capillary action required to keep up with thirsty coils.

Maybe, it’s just practice or luck – I nailed the wicking first time, I cut the wicks a fraction longer than the width of the RTA, I fluffed them a lot, but I didn’t thin them or comb them through at all. This resulted in the tips of my wicks slightly touching the base of the juice channels.

So far, there have been zero leaks or signs of moisture when vaping or filling the RTA, and it has had no issues at all keeping up with chain-vaping.

Dovpo Blotto Max RTA Review by Owen

How does it perform?

Seeing as the Blotto Max doesn’t come with coils, you’re left very much to your own devices when it comes to builds, I tried various builds but my first build is what I kept on coming back to.

  • 2×28g dual-core fused claptons 3.0mm this build came to 0.18ohm for the pair, I initially thought these coils might be a little too conservative, but they turned out to be perfect. At 70w the flavor is excellent, however the vapor production is a touch underwhelming. From 75w to 85w, the flavor remains good and the vapor production increases nicely.

With all of my builds, something became apparent – the Blotto Max is not a cloud chucker, while it will produce reasonable amounts of vapor with the right build, it’s far better at flavor chasing, because the flavor is that.damn.good. Not only is the flavor good, but it’s not picky about juice, pastries, RY4, fruits – it’s all good.

One other very minor detail. With the original Blotto and the Blotto Single, I didn’t like the drip-tip at all, it felt wrong for the RTA and looked like crap. The Blotto Max has the same drip-tip, but maybe because of the increased size of the RTA or the fact that mine is black, it’s far more pleasing to the eyes and seems far more suited to the type of vapor production that you get from the Blotto Max.


Restricted. When you look at the deck, you’d expect it to be very airy…and you’d be wrong. The Blotto Max is significantly more restricted than something like the Arbiter 2 or Fat Rabbit RTA (or even the Fat Rabbit Solo RTA).

I’m happy to have a restricted draw, flavor chasing RTA, while some people will certainly want more airflow, however what should appeal to most people is the fact that the airflow is smooth and comparatively quiet.

Dovpo Blotto Max RTA Review by Owen


  • Aesthetics, taking the Blotto to 28mm has made it look really good.
  • Flavor, this really does well as a flavor chasing dual-coil RTA.
  • Wicking, this really seems like a step up from previous Blotto RTAs, with no leaks (so far).
  • While the airflow is restricted, it’s also smooth and swooshy.
  • There is plenty of room for dual 3.0mm+ coils. (unlike the original Blotto RTA)
  • Capacity, 1×3.8ml straight glass and 2×6.2ml bubble tanks. (also see cons)


  • I can’t remove the glass from the RTA.
  • No coils/cotton.
  • The coil measuring tool is more of a novelty than a practical tool.
  • Narrow airflow range.
  • Some guesswork is required with coil lead length.


I have one easy comparison to make – other Blotto RTAs. The Blotto Max is the best Blotto RTA to date, for number of reasons.

I haven’t tried the 1.5 but if it has the same cramped deck as the original Blotto, I’ll be shocked if it is as good as the Max.


The Dovpo Blotto Max RTA was provided for the purposes of this review by Healthcabin who currently have it in stock. In addition to catering to end users, HealthCabin is also one of the biggest vape wholesale distributors in China, if you’re a vape business owner, just contact them to get competitive wholesale prices.

This review was written by Owen from Reddit & Vaping Underground, click to view original review there with more details.


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