Healthcabin sent me one of these to review. I’m not really one to try new hardware since everything I own is from about 4 to 5 years ago in the days when you had to be lucky enough to get something from a manufacturer due to silly limited runs. But I said sure since I wanted to try something that’s been mass produced and I am glad I did. Vaping has come leaps about bounds in the last few years and manufacturers like Coilart are now making very nice original designs.
Opening the package and taking the Mage apart, I am impressed with the quality of the machining. Both the top and the bottom contain knurled sections. The bottom ring to adjust air flow, which can go from wide open (way, way to open for me) on down to a reasonably tight air draw which I enjoy. The top ring allows you to remove the top to refill with no need to secure the tank or tighten down the juice flow. It doesn’t leak during refills and is very easy to manage!
The deck is unique in that it’s curved like a half pipe. It’s postless and allows for single coil or dual coil builds. The build area is huge, especially for those of us who use single coils. Mounting a coil is literally insert and tighten the grub screw. As you can see from the desk pic below, it uses a honeycomb design to allow for even air flow. Most reviewers are using cotton. I’m a silica man and even with 3mm silica wick doubled over, I found pushing the wick into the feed areas easy enough. Rather than using the standard tank, I opted for the 5.5ml bubble tube which is plenty of juice to travel with for a while without reloading.
The “drip tip” that is on the Mage when you purchase it is a short 810. It’s not a drip tip. I’m not sure would would enjoy putting this, what I can only describe as a grommet, in their mouths. It’s only 5mm in height! Thank goodness, it comes with a 510 adapter so I put a real drip tip on it. I normally use mechs but since this is a 24mm atty, I put it on my one and only regulated device – an Invader Mini I normally use to test coils. Again, I was glad I did. At 7W, there was very little flavor and vapor. I pushed it up to 22W and the atty came alive with great flavor. It took me a little fiddling to adjust the air flow since I prefer a much tighter draw than is de rigueur today but once adjusted, it vaped very nicely with a warm, thick vapor. At $44 retail, its definitely a good value and a well built tank.
MAGE RTA V2 Features:
Φ24 diameter x 46mm overall height
24K golden plated ss postless deck
29pcs Φ1mm diameter Honey Comb Airhole
Top lid with knurling design, easy to screw out
810 drip tip
3.5ml juice capacity
Extra 5.5ml PCTG Bubble Tube included
Extra 510 drip tip adapter included
Golden plated stainless steel decoration
Color: SS, Black Golden, Black Rosegolden