Advken Manta Mesh Tank Review by red5

Advken Manta Mesh Tank review

Advken Manta Mesh Tank review:
HealthCabin kindly sent over the Advken Manta Mesh tank for review, so let’s take a look at what’s in the box and see how it vapes!

Inside the box you will find your tank with one coil preinstalled. The tank breaks down into four parts for cleaning or replacing the coil – five if you include the aft ring which is also removable. There are two supplied “glass” sections, one plastic and one glass and a spare coil (more on both of those later).

You also receive a Doctor Coil spares baggy with O-rings, an Advken branded micro fibre cleaning cloth and an Advken info card.

Manta Mesh Tank design and features
The Advken Manta Mesh Tank is a SMOK Baby Beast compatible sub ohm tank, it is 24mm in diameter and 35mm tall (not including the drip tip of 510 pin). You can clearly see where design cues from the Manta RTA have been used on the top cap and the airflow control, however it all goes a bit pear shaped in the middle, quite literally! The design is certainly bold, presumably to differentiate it from all the other sub ohm tanks available on the market, but it’s definitely going to be one of those marmite moments where you either love it or hate it.

The supplied resin drip tip comes in the same colour as the plastic tank section with a cobra style design. It’s a true 810 drip tip with no O-rings, so if it’s not to your taste there should be no problems using your own – I quite like it though and found it comfortable to use.

Up top there’s an easy top fill, simply push the top at the clearly marked arrow to expose a generous sized filling port and once you’re filled up just push the cap back into place and you’re ready to go! I’ve had absolutely no issues filling the tank unlike several similar systems I’ve used previously, no air locks whilst filling or juice seeping from under the cap. One slight disappointment is that there isn’t a spare gasket supplied in the box.

The airflow ring is easily adjustable with the 3 holes copied from the RTA version so you can get things to your liking and it hard stops at the fully open and fully closed positions. The air flow control ring is also removable for cleaning or if you get a build-up of juice under it.

There are 2 included tank sections, a plastic one and a glass one – I found it difficult to find info online but I believe they are both 4.5ml tanks. The plastic tank has the cobra design matching the drip tip in the colour of your tank but it has one fatal flaw, especially in the black version sent out for review, there’s absolutely no way you can see how much liquid you have in the tank short of shining a torch from the back! Needless to say, I quickly changed to the glass section which has a pearlescent coating on it and found this much more practical in use.

The tank comes with two included mesh coils, one 0.2Ω rated 50-70 watts and one 0.16Ω rated 60-80 watts. They’re both single mesh coil designs with fairly open bores. The coils are Baby Beast compatible so there’s a wide variety of coils available if you can’t find Advken ones or you already have a preferred coil type in this fitting size.

With the 0.2Ω coil I felt it started to struggle wicking at 60W with borderline dry hits, but the flavour production was good in the mid 50W range. The coil has the now familiar mesh coil sound, which is to say it’s loud but no more so than other mesh sub ohm coils.

With the 0.16Ω coil I found the quoted wattage range more accurate with good flavour production around the 70W mark. The sound though! The coil emits a high-pitched whine which is awful and just doesn’t go away at any airflow setting so I really couldn’t recommend the 0.16Ω coil unless you’re hearing isn’t so good!

I experienced no leaking from either coil head.

The Advken Manta Mesh is a competent Baby Beast compatible sub ohm tank and could be for you if the slightly outrageous aesthetics are up your street!

Out of the two supplied coils the 0.2Ω version worked well but there’s no way I could recommend the 0.16Ω version due to the sound it makes. Of course, given that this is Baby Beast style tank you can always pop in your favourite coil from another manufacturer and this also means you’re unlikely to struggle to find replacement coils in the future.

Many thanks to HealthCabin for sending this item in for review. You can find the Advken Manta Mesh tank here


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