Vaping in Public Was Banned in Coronado, CA


Vaping in Coronado now runs the risk of a $100 fine. The city’s ban on vaping or smoking electronic-cigarettes in public spaces went into effect on last Friday.

The ban added vaping to an existing cigarette ban the Coronado City Council passed in 2014.

This prohibits people from lighting up in, “all outdoor public properties (parks, beaches, streets, highways, alleys, rights of ways, parkways, sidewalks, parking lots, and pathways), within 25 feet of enclosed areas that prohibit smoking, at outdoor public places, outdoor recreational areas, outdoor service areas, and within outdoor dining areas if the majority of the dining area is on public property.”

Anyone violating the ban is subject to a $100 fine, according to the ordinance.

Smoking at home and private residential properties is allowed. As is smoking in “outdoor dining areas in which the majority of dining area consists of private property,” according to the regulations.

Coronado expects to spend between $10,000 and $20,000 to update existing park, beach and business district signage to include vaping and electronic smoking devices.

Tell your vaping family/friends who live there or have plans to visit there.



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