Hellvape Dead Rabbit V2 RTA Review by Steve

hellvape dead rabbit v2 rta
hellvape dead rabbit v2 rta
hellvape dead rabbit v2 rta

Sometimes I wonder about the naming of stuff in the vaping industry. From my trusty VooPoo vaporizer to the titular new tank from Hellavape I’m reviewing now, I’ve seen some strange choices. But, let’s put that aside and see if the Hellavape Dead Rabbit V2 RTA gives us a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Rebuildable tanks tend to all have the same basic set of features. Specifically, a tank to hold liquid and a build deck to put your own coils and cotton into. There also tends to be extra features like adjustable airflows and different filling methods.

The Dead Rabbit 2 is no exception. It has a nice slide-top filler (and they even put a white arrow so you can see which way you’re supposed to slide things) as well as a top airflow, which I tend to prefer as it leaks less often if you’re not perfect with your cotton wick building.

I sort of overlooked another small but nice touch in the box until I began writing this review. There’s a built-in silicone gasket on the bottom of the tank above the 510 connector. This is built to reduce heat build up and it definitely runs a lot less warm than many of my other tanks.

The build deck is the big differentiator since the tank is called the dead rabbit because of the unique build deck. It features two sets of posts that are slightly raised on the sides, giving it a bit of a rabbit ear impression.

There’s a number of nice touches built into the Dead Rabbit’s deck. First, the positive and negative terminals are color coded (gold and silver) taking the guesswork out of which part of the coil to put where.

hellvape dead rabbit v2 rta

Those terminals are top loaded, so it’s a matter of simply cutting the ends of the coil to length, dropping them in and then tightening the studs. The terminals are generously proportioned in both width and depth allowing for bigger coils as well as not needing to exactly guess how long the coil tails should be.

After securing the coils in place, loading the cotton in is pretty straight forward as well. There are reasonably sized indentions that serve as pockets for the wicking material. Once the bell housing is screwed on to the deck, it has small openings to allow liquid to flow to the coils.

Fit and finish of the parts are spot-on. Sometimes, with the bell housing chimney type tanks, there are super unforgiving clearances between the coil and the housing, making it easy to short out the coil. I had no such problems between the size of the covering and the top-load design of the build deck.

In addition to the design features, you’ll find the usual collection of gaskets and replacement studs in a little baggie in the box. You’ll also find a higher capacity tank to take the tank from 3ml to 5 which is always welcome in my mind.

Despite an unfortunate name, the Hellavape Dead Rabbit V2 RTA is quite a competent tank rebuildable. I wouldn’t say there’s anything truly industry changing about it, but there’s plenty of little but very nice enhancements like the build deck to make this tank a great choice for both those new to rebuildables and my fellow tank hoarders.

And if dripping is your thing, I’d be remiss to mention there’s also a RDA version of the Dead Rabbit 2 as well.

This review was written by Steve, you can view the original post here.


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