Exclusive Distributors of Some Brands

Exclusive Distributors of Some Brands-updated

Dear  Customers,

For some brands or products, there are exclusive distributors in some countries/regions, where we cannot ship those products to requested by the brands. Below is the full list:

BrandsLimited ProductsCountries/Regions
GeekvapeAllKorea, Barin, Belarus, Dominican Republic, France, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates & Vietnam
VoopooAllKorea, France, Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina & Uruguay
VaporessoAllKorea, Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina & Uruguay
OxvaAllAll 11 Southeast Asia Countries
Lost vapeAllAll 11 Southeast Asia Countries
EluxAllAll 44 Europe countries

For those restricted products, you may get a reminder in the shopping cart, see below screenshot:

shopping cart warning
shopping cart warning

Your kind understanding will be appreciated.



  1. Good day

    I see today that LOST VAPE cannot ship to Philippines, few weeks ago Oxva and Damn Vape Geekvape. Please verify this for me… As I just received lost vape product 1 week ago… and NO ONE is selling the Thelema Solo here that I know of.. If someone has an exclusive here in the Philippines maybe I have to buy from them?

  2. The list above does not show the United States as a country Aspire products cannot be shipped to so why does it show that in my cart?

  3. The list above does not show Saudi Arabia as a country that Unflavored nicotine products cannot be shipped to so why does it show that in my cart?


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