Wotofo Recurve RDA Review
Hello everybody, and welcome to Pizza Dave’s vape reviews. Today I will be going over everything you need to know about the Recurve RDA Atomizer by Wotofo. The Revurve is the latest RDA to hit the market from Wotofo and is a collaboration between them and vape reviewer Mike from the Mike Vapes Youtube channel. This RDA features an innovative post less single coil build deck, side / angled air flow, squonk pin, and comes in several different colors. There is a lot of hype and praise regarding this RDA, so let’s get right to it and see if it deserves it!
This RDA was sent to me by Health Cabin or review.
– 1 Recurve RDA
– 1 Spare 810 Frosted drip tip
– 1 510 drip tip adapter
– 1 user manual
– 1 pack of compwire coils
– 1 pack of cotton
– 1 pack of extra parts (screws, pins, O-rings)
The post less build deck of the Recurve RDA has been well thought out. One key feature is that It has 4 termination screws yet is designed for a single coil. These 4 holes allow the user to install any coil they have, no matter how it is wrapped. This is a huge step forward in my opinion, and I hope that many other manufacturers follow suit. The deck is post less, so a little bit of premeasuring is needed, but once the length is right, it is a breeze to install on. The screws are perpendicular to the coil, so that work well for many coil types including more flat builds. It is a real joy to build on, and Mike Vapes gets mad props from me. Wicking is also effortless. Simply tuck them allow the wick channels and done. No messing around with placement what so ever. This doesn’t have much of a juice well, so less cotton the better in these wells.
The hype train continues with how this thing vapes. One of the biggest compliments this RDA has received is with its flavor and I agree with everyone else. The vape I get from this is very flavorful and satisfying. A lot of this can be contributed to the air flow inlets. The air flow consists of 6 holes on each side of the coil that are angled downward and essentially surround the coil. These 6 holes can close off 4 at a time (2 on each side) and makes for a decent range of air flow adjustment. The big advantage to the holes being angled is that they allow the user to squeeze liquid all the way up and over those air flow inlets and completely drown the coil in liquid. This does work quite well, and I was never able to over squonk and get it to completely leak out of the air flow holes. However, it does flood the air holes a bit and gurgles on the first couple of puffs thereafter. It is a tiny con, but it is noticeable. I think the biggest con I have found on this, is in the juice well. The fact is, there is no juice well at all, and would require someone to drip it non-stop. It is definitely geared to squonking, and squonking only in my opinion. I basically took a puff, squonk, too a puff, squonk and so on. It can get dry very fast, but with how this thing tastes I can hardly knock it at all. The flavor really is one of the best I have had to date and is an excellent RDA for beginner squonkers for sure. click here for the beginner squonkers guide.
the performance combinning with Fuchai Squonk 213 150W Box Mod
Get this RDA. I don’t like to give hard recommendations, but this time I will. If you enjoy vaping around 50-60w on a squonk mod, then this is the RDA for you. Build deck is simple and well thought out. Air flow is smooth and is enough air for a single coil, without being too airy. The squonking action is on point, as you can drown a coil without leaking (will have some spit and gurgle first puff after). The only con I can think of is the total lack of a juice well. This puts it into a squonker only group, which would not work for those who have not gone down the squonking rabbit hole yet. Mike Vapes done good here, and Wotofo machined an RDA that has the feel of something much pricier than it is. One small con…. the Recurve writing looks kind of silly, and it feels very sharp without it is engraved. It has many more pros than cons, and has quickly moved its way into my top rdas to date.
– Flavor Flavor Flavor
– Looks great and has many color options for the matchy matchy crowd
– Build deck is simple to build on
– Air flow is silky smooth
– Affordable awesomeness
– Frosted and colored drip tips included
– No Juice well (con for non squonkers)
– Recurve logo on the top cap could be done better, and is etched in there with sharp edges (cut myself on it)
Thank you to everyone for reading my review and thank you to Health Cabin for sending it my way for review! It is available all over the net, with Health Cabin coming in at just under $30.
Wotofo Recurve RDA Atomizer Price: $27.99
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